Latest News
- Why can't I just live together with the love of my life and forget about this marriage brouhaha? Marriage kraa be expensive nowadays...
- We ain't fornicating. We view ourselves online and have fun online. No touching touching...
- We have no serious commitment. We feel the urge, we give in to each other.
Are the above right or wrong assertions??
Well, let's meet with the Marriage Counselor this evening for talks on all these and more...
6:30pm || Main Auditorium
It’s happening tonight! A must attend!
Join us tonight as we launch PRE-MARRIAGE SCHOOL 2025.
Come for answers to all questions pertaining to marriage in The Church of Pentecost.
Remember to bring a friend along.
Friday, February 14, 2025
Scripture Reading: Proverbs 4:23-24.
Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23 NKJV
The heart is the spring of the issues of life be it good or bad therefore being diligent in guiding your heart will mean the birth of good things. Whatever fills the heart explodes or manifests physically through the mouth, hence, failure to guide the heart can lead to failure to guide the mouth.
In all these things the mind can't be exempted since it's the starting point of everything. What goes into the mind is shared with the heart to reach a consensus before it manifests physically. The right way of guarding the heart is checking what goes into the mind. Feeding the mind with negative stuff will have negative effects on the heart and the mouth and vice versa. Fill your mind with the Word of God for positive impact on your heart and mouth to manifest physically.
Prayer Starter: Oh Lord help me through Your Holy Spirit to diligently guard my heart and mouth with Your Word always for a positive impact in Jesus Christ's name.
People of God.
The evening sessions of our district week ends tonight, and a special visitation of the Lord awaits you.
Come let's draw strength from the Lord as we wait on Him through fasting and prayer.
Please take note that the service will be extended a few minutes after 8:30 pm.
God bless you.
The Achimota District Youth Ministry presents
The Excellent Youth Summit '25
This summit will offer you valuable skills, knowledge and experiences to help you grow personally and professionally.
You will gain insights into effective leadership, goal setting and character building to enable you excel in different areas of life.
There will be practical sessions on career planning, business startups and financial literacy.
This summit aims to instill strong values, ethical decision-making that shape mindset for a purpose-driven life.
Date is 22nd Feb 2025
Time is 6pm
Venue: The Church of Pentecost Achimota Central
Main Auditorium.